How Is Payment Processing Managed on the Web Ordering Platform?

Onosys is a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 company which is the highest and most stringent of the PCI Data Security Standards. We protect the security of both credit card and cardholder data for both e-commerce and in-store transactions.

This means that, in addition to processing payments, we collect credit and gift card information and store them securely on behalf of our clients.


Onosys offers a number of existing integrations with a number of different payment providers both for credit cards and gift cards.

Every company is unique and requires a custom payment set-up designed for their specific needs. That’s why we make sure to work closely with our clients to establish and test new integrations, whatever they might be.

Adapting to Changes in Payment Processing Management

There's been a number of mergers and changes in the payment industry this past decade and especially just these past three years.

Our team at Onosys continues to track these industry changes at every step. We also ensure that we’re meeting the demands of new PCI requirements as they come down the pipeline.

Dealing With Fraud

While credit card and gift card fraud is always a top concern for both e-commerce and in-store transactions, our team at Onosys is 100% committed to facilitating payment management systems that protect everyone.

One of the most common issues companies face is when someone tries to run multiple credit cards to see which one is going to work. We’re currently working on systems that will help us to mitigate these fraud threats and protect our customers.

But true security starts with our own compliance and internal procedures. Our team is dedicated to making sure that everything we do is secure and that every employee is following the rules.

That’s why our team at Onosys is committed to keeping up with the latest industry changes from both a technological and compliance perspective.


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