What Can A Digital Ordering Platform Connect Or Integrate With?

In the digital ordering world all software exists “in the cloud” and it seems like a simple process to be able to make that software do, and integrate with, whatever we want it to. But when it comes to integrating different technologies, there's always two sides to the coin.

Most large POS (point of sale) companies will have methods of integrating in some way shape or form. Typically, an API (application programming interface) is the best possible route. This is especially true if you have a custom POS system that isn’t widely supported commercially. Maybe it doesn’t have all of the hooks it needs to have that integration point. If that's the case, there can actually be more flexibility to mold the product the way it needs to work best.

Our team at Onosys is experienced in working with proprietary and custom POS systems. We work with them to create a communication layer that allows our platform to easily and painlessly “talk” to your platform.

The key thing our team at Onosys needs to do is to inject orders into that point of sale so that operations can continue inside of the store when an online order is received.


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